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Cross Finance

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What is Cross Finance?

CrossFi is a technology that expands the influence of blockchain and gives users the opportunity to use clear and accessible financial instruments every day anywhere in the world. CrossFi App is the first combination of financial services and functions of full-fledged banking, debit cards, a non-custodial model of mutual settlements and the absence of intermediaries in traditional financial services on the crypto market.


What is MPX?

MPX is a unit of computing power in the CrossFi Chain required to generate new XFI coins on the network. It is also a means of paying transaction fees in the Cosmos part of the blockchain.


What is XFI?

XFI is a liquid asset that will be used and open access to all products and services of the EVM part of CrossFi Chain and give unique opportunities in CrossFi xAPP. It is also a means of payment along with fiat funds in the CrossFi APP.


How to delegate and stake MPX?

Staking guide for Cross Finance

Stake your MPX tokens by following these few steps with your wallet of choice:


Using the Keplr wallet

  1. Install Keplr wallet with the CrossFi Network.
  2. Transfer MPX to your wallet on the CrossFi Network.
  3. Go to our node on here.
  4. Click “delegate”.
  5. Enter the amount you want to delegate. Remember to keep some MPX available to pay for transaction fees.
  6. Click “delegate” and then click “approve” to approve the transaction.
  7. View your rewards in real time on your wallet address dashboard. Similarly, you can claim rewards, undelegate, send or receive tokens at this same page.


What is the APY %?

Staking rewards are distributed every block. As of writing, the APY is ~25% (considering the current commission rate of 5%).

What is the unbonding period?

Unstaking/unbonding your MPX tokens will take 21 days. You will not earn any staking rewards during the unstaking process and it is not possible to cancel it. Therefore, make sure you did intend to unstake it.

When will I receive my first staking rewards

After your MPX delegation is completed you will get payouts in XFI tokens for every block (~6sec).

If you have delegated with the autocompound restake tool, your rewards are automatically compounded.

All rewards become available after their withdrawal, which is instantaneous.

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